
吐血整理 python最全习题100道(含答案)持续更新题目,建议收藏!

吐血整理 python最全习题100道(含答案)持续更新题目,建议收藏!


  • 已知一个字符串为 “hello_world_yoyo”,更新 如何得到一个队列 [“hello”,”world”,”yoyo”]
test = 'hello_world_yoyo'# 使用split函数,分割字符串,建议并且将数据转换成列表类型print(test.split("_"))结果:['hello',收藏 'world', 'yoyo']Process finished with exit code 0
  • 有个列表 [“hello”, “world”, “yoyo”]如何把把列表里面的字符串联起来,得到字符串 “hello_world_yoyo”
test = ["hello",吐血题目 "world", "yoyo"]# 使用 join 函数将数据转换成字符串print("_".join(test))结果:hello_world_yoyoProcess finished with exit code 0


test = ["hello",建议 "world", "yoyo"]# 定义一个空字符串j = ''# 通过 for 循环 打印出列表中的数据for i in test:    j = j + "_" + i# 因为通过上面的字符串拼接,得到的数据是“_hello_world_yoyo”,前面会多一个下划线,所以我们下面把这个下划线去掉print(j.lstrip("_"))
  • 把字符串 s 中的每个空格替换成”%20”
    输入:s = “We are happy.”
s = 'We are happy.'print(s.replace(' ', '%20'))结果:We%20are%20happy.Process finished with exit code 0
  • 打印99乘法表
for i in range(1, 10):    for j in range(1, i+1):        print('{ }x{ }={ }\t'.format(j, i, i*j), end='')    print()结果:1x1=1	1x2=2	2x2=4	1x3=3	2x3=6	3x3=9	1x4=4	2x4=8	3x4=12	4x4=16	1x5=5	2x5=10	3x5=15	4x5=20	5x5=25	1x6=6	2x6=12	3x6=18	4x6=24	5x6=30	6x6=36	1x7=7	2x7=14	3x7=21	4x7=28	5x7=35	6x7=42	7x7=49	1x8=8	2x8=16	3x8=24	4x8=32	5x8=40	6x8=48	7x8=56	8x8=64	1x9=9	2x9=18	3x9=27	4x9=36	5x9=45	6x9=54	7x9=63	8x9=72	9x9=81	Process finished with exit code 0


i = 1while i <= 9:    j = 1    while j <= i:        print("%d*%d=%-2d"%(i,j,i*j),end = ' ')  # %d: 整数的占位符,'-2'代表靠左对齐,两个占位符        j += 1    print()    i += 1
  • 找出单词 “welcome” 在 字符串”Hello, welcome to my world.” 中出现的位置,找不到返回-1
def test():    message = 'Hello, welcome to my world.'    world = 'welcome'    if world in message:        return message.find(world)    else:        return -1print(test())结果:7Process finished with exit code 0
  • 统计字符串“Hello, welcome to my world.” 中字母w出现的次数
    统计单词 my 出现的次数
def test():    message = 'Hello, welcome to my world.'    # 计数    num = 0    # for 循环message    for i in message:        # 判断如果 ‘w’ 字符串在 message中,则num +1        if 'w' in i:            num += 1    return numprint(test())
  • 题目:输入一个字符串str, 输出第m个只出现过n次的字符,如在字符串 gbgkkdehh 中,
    找出第2个只出现1 次的字符,输出结果:d
def test(str_test, num, counts):    """    :param str_test: 字符串    :param num: 字符串出现的次数    :param count: 字符串第几次出现的次数    :return:    """    # 定义一个空数组,存放逻辑处理后的数据    list = []    # for循环字符串的数据    for i in str_test:        # 使用 count 函数,统计出所有字符串出现的次数        count = str_test.count(i, 0, len(str_test))        # 判断字符串出现的次数与设置的counts的次数相同,则将数据存放在list数组中        if count == num:            list.append(i)    # 返回第n次出现的字符串    return list[counts-1]print(test('gbgkkdehh', 1, 2))结果:dProcess finished with exit code 0
  • 判断字符串a=”welcome to my world” 是否包含单词b=”world”
    包含返回True,不包含返回 False
def test():    message = 'welcome to my world'    world = 'world'    if world in message:        return True    return Falseprint(test())结果:TrueProcess finished with exit code 0
  • 输出指定字符串A在字符串B中第一次出现的位置,如果B中不包含A,则输出-1
    从 0 开始计数
    A = “hello”
    B = “hi how are you hello world, hello yoyo !”
def test():    message = 'hi how are you hello world, hello yoyo !'    world = 'hello'    return message.find(world)print(test())结果:15Process finished with exit code 0
  • 输出指定字符串A在字符串B中最后出现的位置,如果B中不包含A, 出-1从 0 开始计数
    A = “hello”
    B = “hi how are you hello world, hello yoyo !”
def test(string, str):    # 定义 last_position 初始值为 -1    last_position = -1    while True:        position = string.find(str, last_position+1)        if position == -1:            return last_position        last_position = positionprint(test('hi how are you hello world, hello yoyo !', 'hello'))结果:28Process finished with exit code 0
  • 给定一个数a,判断一个数字是否为奇数或偶数
    a1 = 13
    a2 = 10
while True:    try:        # 判断输入是否为整数        num = int(input('输入一个整数:'))    # 不是纯数字需要重新输入    except ValueError:         print("输入的不是整数!")        continue    if num % 2 == 0:        print('偶数')    else:        print('奇数')    break结果:输入一个整数:100偶数Process finished with exit code 0
  • 输入一个姓名,判断是否姓王
    a = “王五”
    b = “老王”
def test():    user_input = input("请输入您的姓名:")    if user_input[0] == '王':        return "用户姓王"    return "用户不姓王"print(test())结果:请输入您的姓名:王总用户姓王Process finished with exit code 0
  • 如何判断一个字符串是不是纯数字组成
    a = “123456”
    b = “yoyo123”


def test(num):    try:        return float(num)    except ValueError:        return "请输入数字"print(test('133w3'))
  • 将字符串 a = “This is string example….wow!” 全部转成大写
    字符串 b = “Welcome To My World” 全部转成小写
a = 'This is string example….wow!'b = 'Welcome To My World'print(a.upper())print(b.lower())
  • 将字符串 a = “ welcome to my world “首尾空格去掉

replace(" ", “”) 去掉全部空格

a = '  welcome to my world   'print(a.strip())


def trim(s):    flag = 0    if s[:1]==' ':        s = s[1:]        flag = 1    if s[-1:] == ' ':        s = s[:-1]        flag = 1    if flag==1:        return    trim(s)    else:        return sprint(trim('  Hello world!  '))


def trim(s):    while(True):        flag = 0        if s[:1]==' ':            s = s[1:]            flag = 1        if s[-1:] == ' ':            s = s[:-1]            flag = 1        if flag==0:            break    return sprint(trim('  Hello world!  '))
  • s = “ajldjlajfdljfddd”,去重并从小到大排序输出”adfjl”
def test():    s = 'ajldjlajfdljfddd'    # 定义一个数组存放数据    str_list = []    # for循环s字符串中的数据,然后将数据加入数组中    for i in s:        # 判断如果数组中已经存在这个字符串,则将字符串移除,加入新的字符串        if i in str_list:            str_list.remove(i)        str_list.append(i)    # 使用 sorted 方法,对字母进行排序    a = sorted(str_list)    # sorted方法返回的是一个列表,这边将列表数据转换成字符串    return "".join(a)print(test())结果:adfjlProcess finished with exit code 0
  • 题目 打印出如下图案(菱形):


def test():    n = 8    for i in range(-int(n/2), int(n/2) + 1):        print(" "*abs(i), "*"*abs(n-abs(i)*2))print(test())结果:    **   ****

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